Dr. | Joseph P. Carroll | |
Imaging Topological Superconductivity in UTe2 (download - 29.8MB) | ||
Dr. | Hiroto Takahashi | |
Fingerprinting Spin Liquids Using Spin Noise Spectroscopy (download - 6.8MB) | ||
Dr. | Chun-Chih Hsu | |
Direct Measurement of Magnetic Monopole Charge and Transport Dynamics (download - 10MB) | ||
Dr. | Wangping Ren | |
Atomic-Scale Visualisation of Fermion-Pair Condensates in Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials (download - 61.9MB) | ||
Dr. | Rahul Sharma | |
Advanced Quasiparticle Interference Imaging for Complex Superconductors (download - 7.11MB) | ||
Dr. | Yi Xue Chong | |
Visualizing Quantum Anomalous Hall States at the Atomic Scale With STM Landau Level Spectroscopy (download - 16.8MB) | ||
Dr. | Sanghyun Joo | |
Scanning Josephson Tunneling Microscopy on High-TC Superconductors (download - 5.1MB) | ||
Dr. | Ritika Dusad | |
Magnetic monopole noise (download - 28.1MB) | ||
Dr. | Andrey Kostin | |
STM imaing of strong orbital-selective correlations in FeSe (download - 8.1MB) | ||
Dr. | Peter Sprau | |
Discovery of orbital selective Cooper pairing in FeSe (download - 20.7MB) | ||
Dr. | Stephen Edkins | |
Visualising the Charge and Cooper Pair Density Waves in Cuprates (download - 7.7MB) | ||
Dr. | Ethan Kassner | |
A Supercooled Magnetic Liquid State in the Frustrated Pyrochlore Dy2Ti2O7 (download - 8.7MB) | ||
Dr. | Inês Firmo | |
Understanding unconventional superconductors: on the origin of Cooper pairing in Sr2RuO4 and the broken symmetries in the pseudogap regime of the cuprates (download - 151MB) |
Dr. | Vikram Gadagkar | |
Origin of the inertial anomaly in solid Helium-4: dislocation dymanics versus superfluidity (download - 38MB) |
Dr. | Chung Koo Kim | |
Complementary visualization of the pseudogap states in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ : SI-STM study in real and momentum space (to be available on-line soon) |
Dr. | Mohammad H. Hamidian | |
Imaging the Realm of the Strongly Correlated: Visualizing the Formation of Heavy Fermions and the Impact of Kondo Holes in URu2Si2 (download - 16MB) |
Dr. | Milan Allan | |
The Electronic Structure of the Nematic Materials Sr3Ru2O7 and Ca(CoxFe1-x)2As2 (download - 35MB) | ||
Dr. | Ethan Pratt | |
Superglass Dynamics of Solid Helium (download - 26MB) | ||
Dr. | Benjamin Hunt | |
Relaxation Dynamics of Solid Helium-4 (download - 7MB) | ||
Dr. | Andy Schmidt | |
Quasiparticle interference and the impact of strong correlations on high temperature superconductivity (download - 16MB) |
Dr. | Miao "Alfred" Wang | |
Atomic resolution d2I/dV2 - Imaging of Lattice Impact on Superconductivity in High-Tc Superconductors (download - 7MB) | ||
Dr. | Jacob Alldredge | |
Understanding the electronic structure of cuprates. A local approach. (download - 42MB) | ||
Dr. | Curry Taylor | |
Coexistence of Bogoliubov Quasiparticles and Electronic Cluster Domains in Lightly Hole-Doped Cuprate Superconductors (download - 11MB) |
Dr. | James Slezak | |
Atomic-Scale Impact of Unit Cell Dimensions on Pairing in a High-Temperature Superconductor (download - 76MB) | ||
Dr. | Kyle McElroy | |
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies in both Real- and Momentum-space of the Doping Dependence of Cuprate Electronic Structure (download - 8MB) |
Dr. | Joan Hoffmann | |
Superfluid 4He: On sinφ Josephson Weak Links and Dissipation of Third Sound (download - 5MB) | ||
Dr. | Jenny Hoffman | |
A Search for Alternative Electronic Order in the High Temperature Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (download - 8MB) |
Dr. | Raymond Simmonds | |
Josephson Weak Links and Quantum Interference in Superfluid 3He (download - 8MB) | ||
Dr. | Kristine Lang | |
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Study of Inhomogeneity, Granularity, & Segregation in the Electronic Structure of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (download - 41MB) |
Dr. | Eric Hudson | |
Investigating High-Tc superconductivity on the Atomic scale by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (download - 3MB) | ||
Dr. | Andrew Schecter | |
Third sound in the superfluid 3He (download - 2MB) | ||