Atomic-scale Visualization of Electronic Fluid Flow Although rapid advances have occurred in quantum fluid flow imaging, the velocity field v(r) of a charged superfluid - a superconductor - had never been visualized. We used superconductive–tip scanning tunneling microscopy to image the electron-pair density ρs(r) and velocity vs(r) fields of the flowing electron-pair fluid in superconducting NbSe2. Imaging vs(r) surrounding a quantized vortex finds speeds reaching 10,000 km/hr. Together with independent imaging of ρs(r) via Josephson tunneling, we visualize the supercurrent density js(r)≡ ρs(r)vs(r), which peaks above 3×107 A/cm2. The spatial patterns in electron-pair fluid flow and magneto-hydrodynamics reveal hexagonal structures co-aligned to the crystal lattice and quasiparticle bound states, as long anticipated from NbSe2 crystal symmetry. This demonstration of atomic-scale imaging of vs(r) for charged superfluid paves the way for electronic fluid flow visualization in other quantum fluids. Published Article - Nature Materials 20, 1480 - August 2021 |